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If you are browsing this site you probably are already a friend of Diakonia – interested in seeing a better world, wanting to know more about how to be a part of transformation, realising that the churches have a key role to play, and keeping yourself in touch with what Diakonia is doing to enable the churches play this important role.
Now is the time for you to become a Friend – someone who supports our work financially, so that we can carry out the task of supporting the churches as they work for a more just and equitable society. Your regular contribution can make a difference.
Should you select to make a donation, please deposit into:
Diakonia Council of Churches
Standard Bank – Account Number: 05 0889419 ·
Branch Code: 040026
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Please let us have a copy of your deposit/debit order form, so that we can accurately record and acknowledge your gift.